ijja membership

The IJJA Membership List is frequently updated as memberships are received. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact the representative for your District or any Board member.

download membership list

IJJA Executive Board

Aletia Straub-Workman

Custer County Probation

Moni Havelange

Madison County Probation

Julie Cornell
Vice President

Canyon County Probation Department

Rebecca travis

Ada County Juvenile Court Services

kristi rogers

Bonneville County Misdemeanor Probation

Joni Swift
Past President

Ada County Juvenile Services

Joseph Lemos
Lead Representative

Mini-Cassia Juvenile Detention Center

District Representatives

Two representatives from each district join the IJJA Executive Board for meetings, discussions, and to assist with events.

Interested in becoming a representative for your district? Send a message to our Executive Board!

District I Representatives

1. Jessica Nordheim
2. Kelly Bell

District II Representatives

1. Kari Portales
2. Vacant

District III Representatives

1. Mike Davidson
2. Vacant

District IV Representatives

1. DeeDee Phillips
2. Vacant

District V Representatives

1. Rhonda Kluzik
2. Vacant

District VI Representatives

1. Vacant
2. Shannon Fox

District VII Representatives

1. Vacant
‍2. V

Floating Represenatives

1. Jose Martinez
2. Marie Hauger

Tribal Representatives

1. Del Rae Kipp
2. Anissia Cruz

Save The Date:
2025 IJJA Conference Announced!

Join us for the 2025 Idaho Juvenile Justice Association Conference!
September 9-10, 2025 in Moscow, Idaho.